Understanding the Role of our Subconscious Mind & Harnessing its Power for Transformation
In our fast-paced world, it's easy to feel like we're at the mercy of our circumstances, rather than contributors to them. However, understanding the subconscious mind reveals a powerful truth: we are not hostages to our current state. We have the ability to transform our internal and external landscapes by tapping into this often misunderstood aspect of our being.
The Role of the Subconscious Mind
The subconscious mind governs the deeper, more ingrained aspects of our behaviors and beliefs. The subconscious is like a supercomputer running programs that dictate 95% of our daily thoughts and actions. From mundane routines like brushing our teeth to more complex behaviors, these programs are executed without conscious effort.
The challenge arises when the subconscious harbors faulty programs—beliefs formed by strong emotions or past experiences that may not align with our current desires or reality. The subconscious cannot discern between truth and untruth; it’s like a loyal soldier that simply acts on the emotional charge of the experiences it's been exposed to. As a result, outdated or negative programs that are deeply embedded within us can sabotage our efforts to change and transcend.
My Negative Belief Loop:
In my new book, Intentionality: A Groundbreaking Guide to Breath, Consciousness, and Radical Self-Transformation, I share my personal journey of understanding how my early childhood experiences shaped my subconscious mind, particularly focusing on a core negative belief loop around abandonment. After many years of feeling betrayed, a pivotal incident occurred on my 10th birthday when a traumatic event with my parents solidified a deep-seated fear of being abandoned. This belief loop influenced my entire life, leading me to anticipate grief and engage in emotional self-protection, which ultimately affected my relationships, including my marriage. When my marriage dissolved I was able to take a conscious look at my behaviors, take ownership for my projections, and untangle this belief loop that contributed to its demise. Here’s what I discovered was imprinted in my subconscious mind:
Once I had this awareness, I tuned into what my heart truly desired, which was to feel seen, connected, and safe, and I was able to rewrite this belief loop to a positive one:
Aligning the Heart and Mind
To navigate these subconscious programs and ensure they support rather than hinder us, it's crucial to foster coherence between the heart and the mind. This involves aligning our emotional and cognitive responses, ensuring that our heart's desires are in harmony with our mental framework.
One effective method is the practice of heart coherence meditation (which you can find on the Intentionality app - Google PlayStore/AppStore ), which helps us tune into our body's signals and align our intuition with our hearts and our thoughts. By dropping into a meditative state and connecting with the feelings of compassion, appreciation, and gratitude, we can access a higher state of consciousness. This practice not only enhances our intuitive capabilities but also helps us make decisions that are aligned with our true desires.
Trusting Your Intuition
Intuition often gets confused with our subconscious saboteurs—those fear-based programs that stem from past negative experiences. While intuition can be a powerful guide, it's essential to distinguish between true intuitive insights and the echoes of old subconscious patterns. True intuition is a learned skill, honed by an awareness and reprogramming of our subconscious.
To develop reliable intuition, we must first recode our negative beliefs. This process involves identifying and transforming the limiting programs in our subconscious that no longer serve us. Once we've done this work, we can trust our intuition more confidently, knowing it's not being clouded by past fears that are no longer relevant in our present circumstances.
A practical approach is to check in with our gut feeling, drop into the heart center, and then engage the mind. If all three—intuition, heart, and mind—are in alignment, we can proceed with confidence. Often, we might find that our initial instinct and heart feeling are in agreement, but the mind may try to talk us out of it. This is where the practice of heart coherence and trusting the felt experience becomes crucial.
The power of the subconscious mind offers a gateway to profound personal transformation. By consciously becoming aware of our coding and reprogramming our subconscious, we can shift our state of being, align our desires with our actions, and ultimately lead a more fulfilling life. The journey requires patience and practice, but the rewards—a life of coherence, clarity, and conscious choice—are well worth the effort.